I’ve been building teams, in one form or another, for over thirty years. I’ve built them in the faith-based space; in the corporate space; within the context of non-profit organizations, also known as Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO); as well as in corporate America. As digital entrepreneurs, oftentimes we start off as solo-preneurs going it alone. The reality is that we would waste valuable time waiting on others to see our vision, resonate with our passion, and collaborate with us. That said, if we want to become a full-fledged entrepreneur (there is a difference, I contend, between a solo-preneur and an entrepreneur), we need to learn how to both recruit and manage a team. In my mind, the difference between being a solo-preneur and an entrepreneur is a team.

This team must go beyond just hiring a Virtual Assistant. Having only a Virtual Assistant (VA) simply makes one a solo-preneur, with a VA. An entrepreneur, on the other hand, is able to build a team of people who fulfill the following roles:
– Sales
– Marketing
– Accounting
– Legal
– Finance
– Technology
– Support
– Customer Experience
As a digital entrepreneur, you create and cast the vision. You recruit the team. You onboard the team to your organization. You support them, and you manage them. In short, you lead them. Here is the main benefit of a team: the members, ideally, are experts in their field. In other words, they provide the expertise and acumen which you may not have. I like this quote attributed to Richard Branson: “If you’re the smartest person in the room, find a new room!” I know that you’re smart, but you will need people even smarter than you to help you manifest your entrepreneurial vision. Two of these kinds of people per team will enable you to scale. I was listening to an interview today with Tai Lopez, a social media guru, digital entrepreneur, and now investor in distressed retail properties. After over twenty years as an entrepreneur, he stated that he’s existing on the investor side of the business space. He went on to talk about not operating any of his businesses, yet “looking over the shoulder” of the assigned CEO. Finally, he discussed building a stellar team. At any level, building a team is the key to entrepreneurial success. How do you build a team? Here are some tips:
- Know that you need a team.
- Determine the members of the team that you need.
- Start with freelancers, because you may be able to pay them hourly.
- Have a vision that you can share with them and obtain buy-in.
- Communicate with your team regularly.
- Show them that your care: thank them regularly!
Stay tuned for more content about team building!
For details visit: https://michaeldteague.com/
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